The Step Aside Lyrics by Robert E. Conrad. Music by Timothy S. Klugh. Title of music: "Contemporary Symphony". Published by STARR Records. Regarding Lyrics: Copyright © 1992 Robert E. Conrad. All Rights Reserved. Regard Music: Title of Music: "Contemporary Symphony" Copyright (C) 1992 Timothy S. Klugh. All Rights Reserved.
The step aside...
The world we live in, I know we can make it better, If we got together, and love one another, And take the step aside...
You see, it takes team work to make the planet run right To end all wars, but then we just might Have to take the step aside...
Can you imagine a world of peace, And no more homeless on the streets, And then, I can sleep in peace at night.
No more problems, a drug free world, And all it's prisoners set free, And a planet where there's no disease.
Dear God, what have we done wrong? Have have taken a fatal turn? Or is it a lesson that we must learn?
Right now, I know we've things to do, Because there's millions of people Who have to beg for food.
But, if we could perfect the world we live in, And concentrate on how to survive, And, maybe then, we'll have learned to love.
My heart is concerning and it's yearning To find another way to make everybody understand What I have to say.
THE STEP ASIDE is where we come together To know what the world is all about. This is the time for us to realize if we really care.
My it tears to see a peaceful planet for eternity, But time goes by and then we die. What will become of me?
No more poverty! No more greed! The Step Aside... Can't you see? And, unto God's word we will abide, And take the step aside... Before it's too late...
"Planet Earth," I cry, "Help each other before we die!";
Now, the world has come to join as one. The step aside we take Has just begun.
Billions of people are joining hands To give back to the world What we have planned.
Now, peace has built upon the nation Where fear and hate Once reside.
We'll build a wall so tall and strong So as long as we all Take the step aside...